2018 Improving Implementation Practice

a one-day implementation science conference

After a successful symposium with over 150 participants in 2017, the second implementation conference took place at Friday February 9, 2018 in Amsterdam. It was themed Improving implementation practice: a one-day implementation science conference and focused on informing implementation work and science in the areas of methods, instruments, and tools improving implementation success.

This one-day conference was hosted by the VU Amsterdam, VU University Medical Center and the Trimbos Institute. Implementation Science was the key topic during this symposium. Both theoretical and practical research and practices were discussed, as well as success stories of effective implementation.

We were very pleased to welcome two interesting keynote speakers:

  • Prof. Shaun Treweek, University of Aberdeen, UK

  • Prof. Enola Proctor, Washington University, US

I would like to thank them both for their contributions and also many thanks for our other speakers and workshop leaders.

Programme implementation science conference

Click on the image to enlarge the programme.

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